Media-alan tutkimussäätiö myönsi 28.11.2024 pitämässään kokouksessa 99 812 euroa tutkimustukea World Association of News Publishers WAN-IFRA:n hankkeelle ”GAMI Incubator #Finland”.
To survive and innovate, the media industry must embrace new technologies, products, and business models. This requires fostering collaboration among various stakeholders driving innovation within the sector and supporting transformation and change within news media organisations.
The GAMI Incubator #Finland programme, led by the World Association of News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), sets out to support Finnish media organisations with two main objectives: fostering collaboration and facilitating transformation and change management.
The GAMI Incubator #Finland programme aims to:
The programme unfolds over a one-year period in three phases:
Overall, the GAMI Incubator #Finland programme seeks to enhance partnerships between media and technology, driving positive change in the Finnish media industry and supporting the future of professional journalism.